Thursday, September 17, 2009

GSA Meeting #2 (9/17/09)

-What is GSA (Welcoming, dedicated to social betterment, safe "zone", place to make friends, SNAX, peace, equality, fun, chaos, education, acceptance, tolerance, FREE RIBBONS!)

- More introductions (Of our beloved officer, Morgan Myers--as well as a few graduates, James, Arie, Amy, Chris, and Sara)

- Fundraisers (Carwash (bikinis optional)--but really, a serious carwash, Bake sale (rainbow food!).

- Aids Walk (the officers will do more research on this one)

- R-71 (we want non-officers, but officers also, to look this one up. Come to the next meeting ready to talk about it)

GSA Meeting #1 (9/10/09)

Recap of the Meeting:

- Went over the purpose of GSA (to raise awareness of gay rights, to establish a safe haven for anyone who is being harassed by non-supporters/or anybody else)

- Introduced the officers (Kylie Repp, Sarah Desroche, Russell Millard and Olivia Millard--unfortunately Morgan Myers wasn't there)

- Went around in a circle and said our name, grade, and why we are in GSA